Body of Art! 3


We accessorise to look good. Try out different clothes for different occasions to feel good. We even try on a combination of things to hide our imperfections. In all of these, we forget how wonderful the human body is. The way it functions and contours itself to take a shape that is uniquely your own. Even though human anatomy is uniform, each one of us is shaped differently. Our Structure looks balanced with symmetrical left and right halves, yet they are never exactly identical and mostly have a fixed set of movements they can perform.

This series is my take on the Human Body in the form of body art.

Body Art

Sanghamitra Deb, with a Masters degree in Film Studies, is a dancer trained in European contemporary forms. She is also an actor, a crazy cat lover, and mother to Poopy the pigeon (Full name: Lord Poopy McPoopsalot; quite apt!). She has a good sense of humor (as is quite evident by now) and a very, very patient lady. It took us 13 hours to complete the entire shoot with 10 hours for me to complete painting (almost) her entire body. Slow and steady wins the race? But she was graceful till the very end.

Body Art

I used khori mati (a special clay prepared from sea froth, which turns off-white when it’s dry) to give the paint some texture. The painting was designed to compliment her body contours with simple geometric shapes.

Body Art

Body Art

Body Art

Scroll down for PART 2 as I bring you more styles from this series.

Photographer: Shailpik Biswas

Artist | Stylist | Blogger: Ingela Biswas

In frame: Sanghamitra Deb

Assistant Photographer: Sarvajaya Chaudhuri

Production house: Tripus Productions

Body Art


body of art

Julia Corget, a smart, talented young French girl, currently living in Kolkata and is pursuing English literature. She has a unique eye for spotting uncommon in common things and draws inspiration from anything that life puts her through. She loves documenting the places she travels to and wants to stay in Kolkata for as long as she can. Her love for photographing dead animals started back as a child when her cats brought dead birds to her and she would dissect them. People might freak out, but it fascinated me about her. I love the fact that she spots things that people pretend not to see.

body of art

We as human beings have filters based on our socio-economic upbringing. We tend to ignore things that are either out of our hands or lack of awareness. Due to our vulnerability we get tangled up with society, expectations, desires, jealousy, fantasy, so on so forth. It’s a jungle of chaos and confusion inside us.

body of art

In this body art series, I have tried to show the chaotic state of mind. More often than not, we are fighting with ourselves complicating even a simple state of affair. We end up in a pensive state, struggling to feel the emotions.

Artist | Stylist | Blogger: Ingela Biswas

Photographer: Shailpik Biswas

In frame: Julia Corget

Production house: Tripus Productions


Agnisha Basak, is a photographer by profession, a trained dancer and an avid coffee lover. She has a unique sense of personal style which I absolutely love. There are very few people comparatively who have such originality. Even though her structure is petite, with 5′ height, she has a strong presence and can not be ignored. One of my reasons to feature her in my body art series.


Body Art

Human beings are such wonderous creature. You can not come to a conclusion just by looking at their physical attributes. Just like a book, content matters a lot for how you are going to perceive a person.


Body Art

In this part of the body art series, I have tried to bring out individuality and independence as predominant characteristics.

Body Art

Body Art

A strong personality can take us to a lot of places and can magically open many doors for us. We always underestimate courage and will power but with a strong head, we can survive the fall.

Body Art

A strong mind overcomes all!

Body Art

Body Art

Artist | Stylist | Blogger: Ingela Biswas

Photographer: Sayan Dey

In frame: Agnisha Basak

Production house: Tripus Productions


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3 thoughts on “Body of Art!

  • NITSCHEK Natacha

    I love all of this !!! I’m a good friend of Julia Corget and she closed her Facebook account, have you got her e mail adress or Something to have contact with her ? I need to talk with her !!

    • Ingela Biswas Post author

      Hi! I’m so glad this blog helped you find your friend. I have passed on the message and your email to Julia. She’ll be getting in touch with you soon. Happy re-connecting my friend 🙂