Live Love Art Repeat

Sometimes, all you need to do is stop, Live Love Art Repeat. In life you meet millions of people, most you forget & few you will always remember for life. Jas Charanjiva is amongst the latter for me. I first met her 2 years back, while working for Kulture Shop. She is an amazing self-taught street/graphic artist, co-founder of Kulture Shop, animal lover, a die-hard fan of David Bowie, mother to a 14yr old shihtzu and my ex-boss!

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Jas is a wonderful soul to hang around with. I still remember we would linger around the studio after any event would get over and sit and talk for hours over some chocolates (there has to be chocolates when I’m involved :p)

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Just like herself, her style statement is also quite chilled out and practical. This uber chic stone grey dress is designed by her and I completely love it! The fact that this dress is so versatile and can be styled for various occasions, makes it so perfect.

Live Love Art Repeat

She is one of the most active & social people I know and is always up to something or the other. This boss lady over 40 can leave behind any active 20yr olds. “With age comes experience & wisdom” When David Bowie had passed away she pasted quotes & lyrics by him, all over Bandra, spreading the love!

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I have learned a very important lesson in life from her – Speaking in a positive tone. Rather than, I will not fall sick, saying I will be healthy gives a different perspective to your mind. In the long run, trust me it will give you good results.

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If we talk about sustaining fashion, then Jas does it in a very cool way. She re-uses her pair of painting pants and wears them with other daily wears. High on style quotient and I bet they are really comfortable to move around in!

Live Love Art Repeat

This boss lady, the creator of #Dontmesswithme, likes to keep it simple and cool. “With good Basics, you will have endless options”.

Live love art repeat

She will forever be on my list of women who have touched my soul and inspired me in life. So let’s just stop for a while, Live Love Art Repeat! 

#RealWomen | Face: Jas Charanjiva

Photographer: Juhi Sharma

Stylist & Blogger: Ingela Biswas

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