Practical – Recycled – Colourful Monsoon!

As the monsoon continues, we bring you yet another practical monsoon style! Layer it up and keep it colourful and stay away from whites and pastels.

Sriparna Ghosh is a second year student of Fine Arts. I met her for the first time at a shoot for Sarvajaya, where she and I along with two other ladies turned muse for the photographer. I always had a fascination towards curly hair (since I have straight hair) and her strikingly beautiful mane just made me want to know more about her. Sriparna is a talented young girl with an eye for creative things in life and a fabulous painter.

practical recycled colourful monsoon


While going through her wardrobe, she showed me this long jacket(the one in the picture) that she inherited from her elder sister. She carried it with love for so many years but didn’t know what to wear it with. This jacket is so convenient for the monsoon weather because of its perfect length, structure, and the material. It saves you from the not-so-welcome splash marks, thanks to the racing vehicles on pothole-ridden roads. Another trendy trick is to recycle your old clothes so that you do not regret even if it gets spoiled in the rains.


Clubbing this beautiful blue-grey jacket with the bright yellow dress gives you a right amount of balance if you are not too much into the bright colour palate. Moreover, layering whenever possible always helps. In this case, it saves the dress inside from any splash marks. Henceforth, you can open it once you are at the restaurant or your destination place if you like.

practical recycled colourful monsoon


Sriparna is always up for experimenting and a truly creative individual, I must say. She had recently shaved one side of her head, which is not so commonly seen on the streets of Kolkata. I love to see people trying out new and different things, and rediscovering themselves.

practical recycled colourful monsoon


As always, saying it again, keep it simple and practical. Recycle your old clothes, pull that piece from the back end corner of your wardrobe and layer it up or wear it differently. Fashion forward is not just following the trends blindly but to manipulate it based on your lifestyle.

“Buy less, Choose well & sustain more”

Stylist & Blogger: Ingela Biswas

Photographers: Sayan Dey

Face: Sriparna Ghosh

practical recycled colorful mosnoon



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