Put your thinking Cap on | Street Style Fashion

Just a few more days till the winter hits us all. Until then, let’s pull out those things that were too hot for Summers but not so warm for winters, like caps. Put it on and let’s rock this Autumn street style fashion!

Street style fashion

Here is what Shreya Goswami is pulling off this Autumn. She has always liked accessorizing, thus you’ll see her playing with lots of elements in her ensemble.

Street Style fashionlocation courtesy: Adva | Wall Murals by Shreya

I Paired an off-shoulder top (which is actually an LBD, cause why not!) with her really comfortable cotton grunge pair of pants.

The pastel shades complimenting the black & the nude very well. Combining the purple converse shoes (cause I always think about the comfort part), gives it the perfect balance.

Street style fashion

The trick to ace-ing a street style fashion is to personalize the ongoing trends and being comfortable in your clothes. That means self-confidence. Own it & Rock it!

Street Style fashion

Did you spot the Bus conductor bag?! Yup, part of Shreya’s personal collection. In my last blog, I had mentioned how, “she has tons of things and every type has dozens of never-ending options (not kidding – at all!). ”  A small glimpse of that.

Street style fashion

Coming back to the Autumn street style fashion, wear your off-shoulders and cold shoulders before Winter walks through that door. Take out those pieces which haven’t seen the light of the day in a very long time.

It is sometimes challenging to put together a look with caps/hats. Since we generally never think of a pair to wear it with before buying. Thus, one small tip: start with the accessories then go onto the clothes.

Hope you have enjoyed this look, click here for more such Street style fashion!

Stylist & Blogger: Ingela Biswas

Real Women | In frame: Shreya Goswami

Photographer: Sarvajaya Chaudhuri



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